Shepherds Conference 2025 is almost here. Take a look back at the top 10 most-played sermons from last year’s conference.
1. "General Session 12: The Triumph of Divine Love" by John MacArthur
Love triumphs. But it’s not our love, as if it could triumph independently. It’s God's love that holds onto us.
2. Q&A with John MacArthur and John Piper
3. "So That Your Prayers Will Not Be Hindered: How to Shepherd and Serve Your Wife" by Harry Walls
Your first ministry, job one, is at home. It is vital to understand the high priority of your relationship with your wife and how, according to the Bible, it affects your relationship with God.
4. "General Session 1: Triumph of Obedience" by John MacArthur
The believer’s relationship is to the Lord, not to the law. But because he loves the Lord, he loves the Law of the Lord (Ps. 138:2). Obedience prompted by love is the character of the Christian faith and the reality of sanctification.
5. "General Session 2: Triumph through Principle" by Mike Riccardi
Our culture has exchanged the truth of God for a lie and God has given them over to a debased mind (Rom. 1:25–32). If our society has come under this judgment, we must come under the prescription: proclaim the gospel (Rom. 1:16–17).
6. "The Approved Workman: Practical Principles for Precision in Preaching" by Abner Chou
Every pastor is a theologian. The Word of God is so deep, so rich, so expansive over all of existence and history that it requires diligent study and precise exegesis.
7. "Coveting Caesar's Throne: Navigating Christian Nationalism in an Election Year" by Jesse Johnson
How should pastors respond to proponents of Christian nationalism? What is the Bible’s position on the Christian’s relationship to government?
8. "General Session 8: Triumph through Providence" by John Piper
The promises of God are going to triumph. The nations will be reached, the elect will be gathered in and made beautiful for Christ, and that beauty will consist in our echoing back His excellencies in the enjoyment we have in Him. These realities cannot fail because God’s providence is all-governing and all-pervasive.
9. "Accept No Substitutes: Recognizing and Rejoicing in the True Ministry of the Holy Spirit" by Costi Hinn
10. "General Session 6: Triumph through Prayer" by H.B. Charles Jr.
Truth triumphs through prayer because we can’t do the Lord’s work in our own strength. If you believe that God still hears and answers prayer, you must labor hard in believing prayer for your local church and for the global church.