The Masters Seminary Blog

Patrick Slyman

Patrick Slyman
Patrick Slyman is a graduate of The Master’s Seminary (M.Div 2005, D.Min 2012). He currently serves as Teaching Pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Mount Vernon, WA. He is the author of "Real-World Theology" and serves as Section Instructor for The Master's Seminary, overseeing many of the Distance Education theology courses.

Articles by Patrick Slyman

Undistracted by Moralism

Patrick Slyman | Apr 10, 2024

Undistracted by Sentimentalism

Patrick Slyman | Mar 19, 2024

Undistracted by Chameleonism

Patrick Slyman | Jul 19, 2023

Undistracted by Spiritual Isolationism

Patrick Slyman | May 23, 2023

Undistracted by Easy-Believism

Patrick Slyman | Apr 25, 2023

Undistracted by Narcissism

Patrick Slyman | Apr 11, 2023

Undistracted by Christian-Consumerism

Patrick Slyman | Mar 28, 2023

Distraction: Our Modern-Day Siren Song

Patrick Slyman | Mar 15, 2023