The Masters Seminary Blog

The Triune Works of the Triune God

Jacob Trotter | July 18, 2024

Recent Articles

Undistracted by Easy-Believism

Patrick Slyman | April 25, 2023

Undistracted by Narcissism

Patrick Slyman | April 11, 2023

Undistracted by Christian-Consumerism

Patrick Slyman | March 28, 2023

Distraction: Our Modern-Day Siren Song

Patrick Slyman | March 15, 2023

Three Encouragements for a Courageous Life

Isaías Muñoz | February 14, 2023

Wise Pastors Understand Emotions

Nathan Williams | January 31, 2023

Prayer that Pleases God

Michael Staton | January 24, 2023

Why I Fight: Part 2

John MacArthur | December 27, 2022

Why I Fight: Part 1

John MacArthur | December 20, 2022

In God We Trust?

Isaías Muñoz | December 13, 2022