The Masters Seminary Blog

3 Steps Toward Humble Unity

Dan Jarms | September 1, 2024

Recent Articles

The Lord Is My Restorer

Michael Staton | August 16, 2024

The Power of His Kindness

Isaías Muñoz | July 09, 2024

Undistracted by Moralism

Patrick Slyman | April 10, 2024

Safe With the Shepherd

Michael Staton | March 26, 2024

The Most Terrifying Verse in the Bible

Marco Bovino | September 20, 2023

The Amazing Plan of God

Michael Staton | May 31, 2023

Nice People or New Men: Part 2

David Varghese | January 17, 2023

Nice People or New Men: Part 1

David Varghese | January 10, 2023

You’re Gonna Have to Serve Somebody

Josh Petras | October 18, 2022

Satisfied in Second

Josh Petras | October 04, 2022